January 26, 2021
Frontiers of Global Health: Exploring the Ethics of Phased COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

On January 19, 2021, the Center for Global Health Nursing, with moderator and DNP Student Tyler Breier, hosted a panel of leaders engaged in the ethics of COVID-19 vaccine distribution. We welcomed four leaders from different disciplines to discuss the challenges and the ever evolving ethical discussions of vaccine distribution on a wide scale. Panelists…
December 12, 2019
Global Month 2019

On November 14th, multiple departments came together to hear Sheila Davis speak about the growth of Partners in Health over the past 30 years. The event started with poster presentations from students engaged in global health projects over the past year. Andrea Shelton (DNP-Midwifery), Hannah Bridgeland (DNP-FNP), Nicole Bayard (DNP-FNP), Marissa Masihdas (DNP-FNP), Rikki Peck…
October 7, 2019
CEO of Partners in Health, Sheila Davis, to Visit UW

November 14th, 2019 at HUB 250 Poster viewing 2:30 – 3 pm, Presentation 3 – 4 pm Dr. Sheila Davis is the Chief Executive Officer at Partners In Health (PIH). Previously, she served as Chief of Clinical Operations and as Chief Nursing Officer, where she oversaw nursing efforts as well as supply chain, medical informatics, laboratory, infrastructure, and quality…
August 22, 2019
Kathy McCarty Visits From Chidamoyo

The Center for Global Health Nursing and the School of Nursing are pleased to welcome Kathy McCarty as she visits University of Washington School of Nursing on September 12th and 13th. She will be speaking about “Practicing Health Care in a Rural Zimbabwean Setting” at 11 am – 12 pm on Thursday September 12th in HSB T661, immediately…