June 12, 2019
Introducing UW Global Rural Health Fellow Krysta Byrnes

Since the creation of the Center for Global Health Nursing in 2016, Dr. Sarah Gimbel has been working hard together with first Dr. Bob Onders and more recently, Dr. Kyle Pohl from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) to build a doctoral fellowship opportunity for recent DNP graduates. The Global Rural Health Fellowship (GRHF)…
CGHN at the 2019 WIN Conference

To kick off Spring Quarter, numerous faculty and students from the University of Washington School of Nursing participated in the 2019 Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) Conference. WIN is one of four regional nursing research organizations in the US. Members of WIN include individual researchers, clinicians, educators, students, academic institutions, and health care organizations. Every…
March 28, 2019
Keio University Short-Term Exchange

By: Sandra Kolberg (ABSN Student) and Jessica Lee (BSN Student) Being a part of the Nursing program at the University of Washington has provided us with some incredible opportunities. We receive constant encouragement to learn and grow through diverse experiences on campus, within the community, or even internationally. One of the experiences available to us…
March 27, 2019
New Partnership with NTUNHS

Basia Belza PhD, RN, FAAN, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS). Dr. Belza is the Director to the deTornyay Center for Healthy Aging and has worked with UW Grad and now Professor at NTUNHS, Dr. Tiffany Wang, as she was a PhD student at…
March 21, 2019
Brown Bag Seminar – May 14

Join the Center for Global Health Nursing by welcoming Weichao Yuwen and Visiting Scholar Wenzhe Hua as they speak on the topic of “Challenges and Opportunities in Parent Engagement in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in China”. Weichao Yuwen teaches and conducts research in using technologies to promote sleep health and family health in…
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