The breadth of the HIV research at the Center for Global Health Nursing spans the entire lifespan but mostly is focused on maternal/fetal health and adolescent HIV service delivery.
Learn about studies our CGHN Faculty are leading or have led below.
HIV Prevention During Pregnancy
Principal Investigator: Jillian Pintye
Study Title: Evaluating Infant PrEP Exposure During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Funding Source: National Institutes of Health/ Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development
The WHO recommends offering daily oral PrEP to HIV-negative pregnant and postpartum women in high HIV prevalence settings, while advocating for longitudinal safety evaluation. We are conducting an observational cohort study among 1300 Kenyan mother-infant pairs. The study will quantify infant pre/postnatal PrEP exposure (using drug levels in hair) and assess birth, bone, growth, and neurocognitive, outcomes following PrEP exposure through the child’s 5th birthday in the largest PrEP in pregnancy evaluation.
- Study Nurses, Joanna and Pauline, Practicing hair collection
- Photo of a hair sample
Patient Actors to Improve HIV Care
Principal Investigator: Pamela Kohler
Study Title: Data-informed Stepped Care (DiSC) to improve adolescent HIV outcomes
Funding Source: National Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development
Adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa are at disproportionately high risk for HIV. We conducted a clinical trial of a standardized patient actor training intervention to improve quality of PrEP counseling. Unannounced patient actors (mystery shoppers) measured adherence to guidelines and patient communication at intervention and control sites. Quality of care was significantly higher at sites that had completed the patient actor training.