June 16, 2020
Letter from the Directors
Dear UW Nursing Students & Faculty,
Thank you all for a memorable academic year. This year took many unexpected turns. The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted our resilience as a school and community. It has also demonstrated the stark inequities in our community, in our region and country, as well as around the world, specifically for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Much work needs to be done to ensure we all continue to grow in our learning, as nurses, as supporters of nurses and as individuals and communities, and that we change our status quo which is so unfair to so many, and build a more just society for all. Now more than ever, our role as advocates for nursing in global health is crucial. Nurses are working on the frontline of the COVID19 response in every country, within hospitals and in communities. We are in a unique position to bridge the gap between the community and health care services, and promote solidarity amongst all health disciplines who work towards equity in life and health.
While summer study abroad experiences are currently on hold for now, there are a number of ways to engage this summer in the greater Seattle area, both with Seattle King County Public Health and other local agencies. Many of these opportunities are remote while others require some in-person interaction.
For BSN and ABSN students who do not yet hold a RN license please consider registering with Community Health Volunteers a site which helps link public health agencies with customer care/service, data gathering and entry and analysis, language skills, and much more. Volunteer assignments may vary in scope, location, time and length of commitment. Again, current healthcare license or medical background is not required to volunteer. Email doh-volunteer@doh.wa.gov for more information or visit the Washington State Emergency Registry of Volunteers (WaServ) website to register and indicate your interest.
For licensed providers please see the following link for COVID19 specific opportunities. https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/NovelCoronavirusOutbreak2020COVID19/HealthcareProviders/EmergencyVolunteerHealthPractitioners
For students, while you are planning your activities for the upcoming 2020-21 academic year, keep in mind that there are a variety of ways you can become involved in the greater UW global health community. The UW offers a variety of graduate certificate programs that actively encourage nurses through the Department of Global Health and the Population Health Initiative. In Winter 2021, the Global Health Nursing course (NURS581), which examines critical global health issues through an applied healthcare lens, will be offered again. The CGHN will continue to organize Brown Bag Seminars that highlight research and projects happening by nurses (including faculty, students and nurse leaders in the community). The best way to stay connected with CGHN opportunities are to sign up for our listserv.
The Center for Global Health Nursing will be available all summer to help you with realizing your goals in global health. Please feel free to contact us at cghn@uw.edu.
Pamela Kohler & Sarah Gimbel

Center for Global Health Nursing Directors Pam Kohler & Sarah Gimbel