January 23, 2020
Exploration Seminar: Health Services Delivery in Resource Poor Settings in Guatemala
Application Deadline: January 31, 2020 (Applications will be accepted until February 15 on a rolling basis)
Dates: June 22 – August 21, 2020 (in Guatemala July 31- August 15)
This intensive service-learning course, conducted in partnership with a community-based organization, Guatemala Village Health, is designed to expose students to the policy contexts in which health care is delivered in resource-poor settings with particular emphasis on Guatemala. The program will be centered in villages in the mountains above Lake Izabel (Marcajan, Chinavhabilchoch, Chinabengue, and Baltimore) and Rio Dulce, where GVH has cultivated strong partnerships since 2008.
Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America. It is home to over 15 million people and more than half of the population is below the national poverty line. Guatemala faces several health and development challenges, including infant, child, and maternal mortality, malnutrition, literacy, and contraceptive awareness and use. It is also rich in cultural diversity. This program aims to expose students to global development, health systems, global health issues and health care delivery in resource-strapped communities. The course utilizes the community as the pedagogical platform and challenges students to view global health care issues holistically in order to understand how in-country health policies are influenced by local and global determinants.
For more information, click here.